News Headlines

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

New Democratic Agenda

With the new Congress convening, I’m interested to see what new domestic agenda will be put forth. Regardless of whether you’re a fan of the current president, it isn’t much of an argument to prove that there has been little or no domestic agenda since the Iraqi war started. There has been virtually no action on reform affecting health care, education, infrastructure, job creation, or anything else. With Social Security and Medicare deficits surpassing 70 trillion dollars, it is ever more evident that action needs to be taken. And no, it’s not fair that future generations of Americans have to pay current living Americans' bills. Education budgets have been dashed (to the tune of 20 billion plus) in order to create more funding to keep the federal budget afloat. With globalization (and the lack of qualified and skilled American workers), jobs are floating overseas. Take a drive to any big town USA, and you’ll be quickly frustrated getting there as a result of zero planning and work done on infrastructure. Instead, the current administration has “bravely” attacked the issues of gay marriage and flag burning. Heck, on my way to work I could’ve swore that I saw a gang of gay married bandits burning heaps of American flags (ok, I’m getting a little out of hand but I’m trying to prove a point on irrelevancy in politics). But again, I’m hopeful more work will be done on creating an actual plan for the country itself and not necessarily on what we can do to control matters overseas. And besides, I didn’t know that creating deadlines was such a bad thing. Everywhere else (besides politics), you would expect that there be measures to dictate whether a task has been completed and to what extent was it successful. Why can’t that be done and applied to something such as war? Is the current administration so poorly organized and disheveled that it cannot accurately predict when any of their measures of success can be preeminently and easily demonstrated? Is it the American public’s duty to not question progress but still be on the hook for the credit card bill coming our way? And at what point does the public say that we’ve paid enough? I’m not so sure any CEO would have that power and I’m not so sure that the President should as well. What was I saying about that domestic agenda again? I got sidetracked…but that big bill is still coming your way, thank the President for considering your well-being.

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